Publishing the Russian Empire Abroad


Publishing the Russian Empire Abroad


Russian emigres, Eurasia, Europe


Over the course of the long nineteenth century, hundreds of thousands of tsarist subjects left the Russian empire and resettled in the major urban centers and university towns of western Europe. This series of interactive visualizations explores the cultural production of these communities.

Please note that these visualizations are not intended to serve as a comprehensive catalogue of publications. The data that serves as the basis of this project was extracted from WorldCat, a large but not entirely comprehensive database of publications, using filters to search by place and language of publication. It is certain that this database omits hundreds if not thousands of titles. That said, this database of some 1700 works published by emigre communities between 1830 and 1920 gestures at the remarkable literary output of these communities, the diversity of their residents, and their cultural preoccupations.

Although every effort has been made to eliminate duplicate records, the data reflects the individual catalogue records, which include discrepancies in transliteration and spelling.


Faith Hillis


Compiled from WorldCat


Faith Hillis



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Faith Hillis , “Publishing the Russian Empire Abroad,” Mapping Cultural Space Across Eurasia, accessed May 17, 2024,


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Item Relations

This Item complement of Item: Letter Writers of Kultura, 1950-1989
This Item complement of Item: Authors of Kultura in Europe, 1947-1989
This Item complement Item: Funders of Kultura in Europe, 1954-1989
This Item complement Item: Funders of Kultura
This Item complement Item: Sites of Russian Berlin in the 1920s
This Item complement Item: Sites of Berlin in the 1920s
This Item complement Item: "A Guide to Berlin" (1925) by Vladimir Nabokov
Item: Возвращенiе Чорба, 1st Edition, 1929. Cover.

Relation This Item